Thursday, May 24, 2007

Things You Need to Know About Lost, Part 4

1. If you shoot a man and think he’s dead, double check. It just takes two fingers to the neck to be sure. Or shoot about five times in the forehead. Take your pick. This is not just a rule for “Lost.” It’s any television show or film…or life…in case you’re planning on shooting anyone. You never know when they might pop back up and blow out your window with a grenade.

2. There’s something I’ve been noticing lately. I think Kate, Danielle and Alex look an awful lot alike. It’s not just the actresses, but the hair and the way they look covered in dirt. It’s almost like they are making the up to look similar. I wouldn’t be surprised if down the road we see a connection between these three.

3. I love Julie Bowen. I think she's so sexy. She makes Jack’s flashbacks (or forwards…or was the time on the island the flashback this go ‘round) bearable. Jack is annoying and whiny. Just like another Dr. Shepherd on ABC. But at least we get to see Julie Bowen in them. It’s like a double dose each week along with “Boston Legal.”

4. Why didn’t Ben talk up the fact that Juliet was no longer with the group? Here was the perfect chance for Ben to manipulate. He could have said, “I know you’d be here because Juliet told me. We captured Sayid, Bernard and Jin because Juliet told us your plan. You’ve been a sucker all along. And now she’s gone and killed Sawyer and is back with us.” It was the perfect setup. I would have thought Ben was that smart. However, I did believe him when he said Naomi is not who she said she was.

5. When did the purge take place? I get the feeling it could have happened right before Juliet got there. And the gasing may have caused women to die during pregnancy. That’s why the Dharma Initiative is still dropping supplies. They may have been thinking everything is okay. But now they might have thought there was trouble and sent Naomi. The picture of Desmond? That’s because Desmond is a part of the Dharma Initiative and the only one in isolation. So, he’d be immune to any sort of trouble on the island and could be trustworthy in Dharma’s eyes.

6. If the Dharma Initiative found out their operation was compromised, wouldn’t it make sense they would destroy the island? I think Ben was spot on there. Or Naomi is a part of a group that's infiltrated Dharma to steal it's secrets and what it's discovered. That's why they are the big threat Ben said is out there. Before this show ends, I bet the survivors and the Others join together to overcome some other force.

7. What to make of the flashfoward? I still have to think on that. Though I do believe Sawyer of Locke was the one dead in the coffin. They seem like the two people no one would come to a viewing.

8. There was one main reason why I thought Locke might really have been dead. His background story had been pretty much explained. There were no more mysteries about his past. After tonight's flashforward, I realized that most, if not all, of the character's backstories had pretty much been explained. So a flashfoward totally makes sense. So we have three seasons of "Lost" remaining. The first three have had flashbacks. Watch the next three have flashforwards, of what happens to these people after they got off the island. When you think about it, won't you wanna know what happens once they get off (because I assume the series finale will be them getting off). What a great way to show it! I think the writers might be on to something great.

1 comment:

Jax said...

Yes, I agree. I read a theory/spoiler that there is a third group on the island that may even be manipulating the others.. and they only step up when their mission is compromised.. So, they all DO team up together against this third group. Yes. I agree.