Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just for Mere

Tag Rules...
1. Mention the person who tagged you.
2. Complete the list of 5's
3. Tag 5 of your wonderful blog friends!

5 things I look forward to:
1. Facilitating Horizons in a week
2. Being back in my apartment in Atlanta, even though it's just for another month
3. Finding a job
4. Seeing "Up"
5. Conan's debut on the "Tonight Show"

5 things I did yesterday: 
1. Went to the wedding of my pledge son
2. Ate at Lambrusco'z for the first time
3. Smoked a Cuban cigar
4. Pre-gamed at White Owl
5. Saw friends I haven't seen in years

5 things I wish I could do:
1. Win the lottery
2. Travel to every country in the world
3. Meet David Letterman, Ricky Gervais and Larry David
4. Find out about my birth mom
5. Get a job (yes, I've mentioned this twice. Thanks.)

5 shows I watch:
1. 30 Rock 
2. The Office
4. Family Guy
5. The Soup

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I was absolutely giddy to see Flannery O'Connor make an appearance in the season finale of Lost, as she is one of my favorite writers. I thought I'd share a couple of passages from the short story "Everything that Rises Must Converge" that may hold some symbolism.

They are spoken by the main character Julian, who has accepted an integrated black and white world, to his mother, who is stuck in her old ways. These come from the end of the story.

"What all this means," he said, "is that the old world is gone. The old manners are obsolete and your graciousness is not worth a damn." He thought bitterly of the house that had been lost for him. "You aren't you who think you are," he said.

And two paragraphs later:

“You needn’t act as if the world had come to an end,” he said, “because it hasn’t. From now on you’ve got to live in a new world and face a few realities for a change. Buck up,” he said, “it won’t kill you.”

Foreshadowing of things to come? Does this show that the past had been changed? Had a new reality been set in? Is the world safe?