Thursday, July 19, 2007

Emmy Preview, In Review

The Emmy nods were released early this morning, and you can catch the full list here. But if there's one thing we've learned is that I must be an expert on comedic acting, because I was a perfect 10 for 10 in the lead actor and actress in comedy categories. Yeah! Bring on the self-shout-out, 'cause that's about as good as it gets.

As I called it, Heroes got the outstanding drama nod, but with no major acting nods. Though I didn't call Grey's too, I was right about their acting. Only supporting roles got nominations for the ABC Seattle show. Lost got snubbed, but surprisingly Boston Legal got some love. That makes me happy, even thought last season was strong than this year. I went 3 for 5 here, not bad.

I was 3 for 5 too on comedy series. Two and a Half Men stole one away and is the only traditional live audience taped sitcom in the group. Entourage got one too, which like Boston Legal, was stronger in the past. Extras and Weeds got no love here, which is quite disheartening.

Outstanding drama actor boosted up to 4 for 5, with Kiefer Sutherland (last year's winner) getting the last spot even though 24 had a down year. Maybe James Woods can come on strong next year!

I was 4 for 5 again in oustanding drama actress, with Polly Walker getting no love for Rome (I don't think HBO is too upset about this year's crop), but the Academy suprised me and added a sixth nod to this category, so Oscar winners Minnie Driver and Sally Field got some Emmy love.

As for the supporters, Kevin Dillon did get that Emmy love, and Jeremy Piven did too. I was only 2 for 5 on supporting actor in comedy, but I took some risks too. As for supporting actress, the Academy gave 6 nods to screw with me again, but I only hit 1 of those.

Yep, 6 were given out again for supporting actress in a drama, and way too many went to Grey's women. It really should be just Chandra Wilson here. Katherine Heigl was way too whiny this year. I only got 1 here too, but hopefully the 1 that counts!

And, finally, those drama actors?? Surprise, 6! Well, I got 3 of them. I'm happy to see John Locke from Lost get some love here. I was tempted to add him, but wasn't sure if Emmy would head that way. Sadly, T.R. Knight should not be here. I must wonder if it's some sort of consolation prize for his past year. Then we have Heroes only acting nod to Masi Oka, a fan favorite...though I think this is a bit of a stretch.

Now, until September 16 until the little buggers are handed out!

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