Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh Goody Gum Drops!

Remember her? The crazy lady that said Desmond had to go to the island and push the button? That it would be the only great thing he would ever do?

Here it is to jog your memory, from the episode when Desmond first had flashes after the hatch exploded.

Desmond goes to buy an engagement ring for Penny at a store where this Ms. Hawking works. When she shows him a ring and he tells her he'll take it, she seems upset and responds by telling Desmond he will not. After Desmond refuses to give the ring back she explains to Desmond that she knows his name, that he will break Penny's heart, he will not marry her, instead entering the sailing race to prove Penny's father wrong, and that he went to the Island and pressed the button for three years until he was forced to turn the failsafe key. She says that if he "doesn't do those things," that "every single one of us is dead."

Once Desmond refuses to give the ring back she decides to take a walk with him. While on their walk she draws Desmond's attention to a man wearing a suit and red shoes. As she and Desmond sit on a bench she tries to explain to Desmond that he must not ask Penny to marry him. She says that it is his "path" to go to the Island. 

Then all of a sudden a large crash is heard behind them as the scaffolding from a construction job falls to the ground. As she and Desmond turn around, a pair of legs with red shoes is shown sticking out from under the pile of rubble. As Desmond realizes this is the man she pointed out earlier, she admits to knowing that he would die. 

When confronted by Desmond as to why she did not warn the man she informs Desmond that he would have been hit by a taxi the next day, and if she had warned him about that he would have broken his neck in the shower. As Desmond stares blankly at her she explains that the universe has a way of "course correcting" (a phrase Desmond later recites to Charlie), and that death cannot be avoided. Her last words to Desmond are that pressing the button is the only great thing he will ever do in his life.

Remember? She's back!

Other thoughts from tonight.

You see the baby at the beginning with the Asian doctor from Dharma? Telling you, that's totally Miles. Think I got that one right.

And the last time shift? They were clearly on the island when it was controlled by Widmore, or at least when he is there. Those guards had British accents. I'd say there were there in the 1950s or 1960s, before Dharma came in.

I was convinced for a flash that Ben was just manipulating the Oceanic 6 to get back to the island so he could get back to the island and takeover again. But now we see he is at the mercy of someone else. Our dear Ms. Hawking.

What a season it shall be...

1 comment:

Jax said...

I LOVE IT! I sooo think the same thing about Miles. LOVE IT. And good call on the old woman. I must admit I missed it. I knew Id seen her, but I was gonna look it up tomorrow. Wow. WOW. WOWWWWW.