Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And we're back...

First off, do you think Juliet's final words were "it worked?" Shame on you if you do! Shame on you! Shame on you! After all we've been through with Lost, how dare you accept Miles' declaration that Juliet's final words were "it worked" so easily? Sawyer was distraught at losing his love, desperate for condolence in his vulnerable time. He thought he could get that from Miles, which Miles initially said wasn't possible. But Sawyer persisted. Miles felt he had no choice and he produced the words "it worked," words that Sawyer could find comfort in that she did not die in vain. Any friend or loyal coworker would act no differently in a situation like that. Do I believe Miles really heard these words? Not for an instant.

Second, I initially thought Jacob had re-manifested himself in Sayid's body. But then I got to thinking more and that would be a little too obvious. That's when I realized it wasn't Jacob that Hurley was talking to beside the van. It was very clear to me that it was Smokey. Obviously he has the power to take the form of the dead, so Jacob would be fair game now. By the Others' response to the news that Jacob is dead, it seems like that Smokey might be coming to infiltrate the Temple. So, as Jacob, Smokey convinces Hurley to take a dying Sayid into the Temple, where Sayid in fact dies. Now, Smokey is free to take Sayid's form, thus infiltrating the Temple. The lingering question is to what endgame.

Now, to my biggest and boldest thought from last night. We seemingly have two points in time that we can accept as reality. Point A is 1977 and Point B is 2007. However, how we get from Point A to Point B is not definitive and there are many tracks that could have taken us there, just like you can take a different route to the grocery and back home. I think one course is the events we saw unfold in the first seasons of Lost. I believe another course will be shown during Season 6. These "flash-sideways" are taking place in 2004, but will eventually lead to Point B and the events we are seeing unfold on the Island.

To me, this is a grander scale of the course-correction that we saw unfold with Charlie. "Ya gonna die, Charlie." Though Desmond saw it happen in various flashes, it eventually did happen, something deemed inescapable. Perhaps what we are seeing in 2007 is fate, something that will happen. Now we are seeing how we are getting to that point, one way or another.

I think the seeds are in place for all the castaways to go back to Sydney on a plane together. Jack has to go back to find his father's body. Kate kidnaps Claire and they get on a plane together to escape the law. Hurley must go back to check on his chicken franchises. Jin and Sun are refused entrances in the U.S. And must fly back. Locke, perhaps emboldened by Jack's thought that "nothing is irreversible," flies to Australia to try the walkabout again.

And I think Charlie's suicide attempt might be the biggest wink to this possibility because, in fact, "Ya gonna die, Charlie." Death is already chasing him.

So maybe they all get on a plane again in the "flash-sideways" only to crash land on the island. Perhaps the crash occurs while Widmore is trying to raise the island from the bottom of the ocean, which sucks the plane to the ground with some sort of electromagnetic shenanigans. Whatever happens, I think the "flash-sideways" will simply show that "nothing is reversible" and that this would all happen one way or another. Thus, the original continuity man simply remain intact.

Food for thought. Here's to a great season!

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