Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stop It!

Guess what? I don't care who you are voting for! I don't care who you support! I don't need to see beautiful lawns cluttered up with stupid campaign yard signs. I also don't need to see it on your car. Or in your e-mail.

Seriously, why do people do this? These people must think someone's going to be driving through the neighborhood, see an "Obama in '08" sign in Linda's front yard and think, "Hmm, Linda's voting for Obama. I think I will too. Because Linda is the authority in all things political. She sure knows what she's talking about. In fact, she probably could be on CNN. Obama it is!"

Come to think of it, I hate Linda. And the fact that she likes Obama makes me not like him. So because of the yard sign, I'm going to vote for someone other than Obama. Take that, Linda!

We've come to an age when slogans and marketing campaigns have overtaken political campaigns. It shouldn't be who is voting for whom and why. It should be what these candidates are standing for and why.

Shouldn't the neighborhood association do something about this? Granted, they don't do much good, besides take the residents money. But they regulate many things regarding lawns. Tell them to take them out!

"Oh, but you're infringing on my freedom of speech."

Can it, d-bag. You want to live in this neighborhood, you play by our rules, Linda.

1 comment:

Meredith and Michael H. said...

"can it, d-bag." hahaha. :) and i agree with you--linda needs to shut her trap. i ESPECIALLY hate it when there is a long piece of land and the same sign is every 3-4 feet. Is that necessary?!

One of the only fights I've ever seen my parents get in was the result of a yard sign. Dad put up one for a candidate and mom and I promptly took it down. He pulled out the freedom of speech mumbo jumbo and mom and I pulled out the middle finger (towards the candidate, of course). :) Not really sure what happened to that sign...

But speaking of persuasiveness and marketing, I think Michael and I are going to see Wall-E soon and we can pretty much thank your previous posts for the sudden interest. So congrats.